Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A Threat Not Seen, What Could It Have Been

Oh How I shuddered when I awoke from a sound,
Lifted my head quickly and looked all around.

So dark was the room with only a sliver of light,
Cast through the window from the star filled night.

The moon was all aglow, in the sky it hung still,
As I slipped from the bed I caught a slight chill.

The shadows it cast had a life of their own,
Then I heard it again, it was a low moan.

My adrenaline was flowing, my pulse it did race,
There was fear written all over my now terrified face.

Then I gathered my clothing, wiped the sweat from my brow,
I would seek out this moaning, I would seek it right now.

Peering down the hallway, the light played tricks on my eyes,
Knees were a shaking along with my calves and my thighs.

A tapping on the window caused me to jump to the right,
Only a tree branch in the wind but it gave an awful fright.

Again with the moaning, I could hear it quite well,
I think it was closer, this much I could tell.

Then there it was at the end of the hall,
A glowing apparition that was at least 8 feet tall.

As frozen as I stood it just hung in the air,
So beautiful to watch I could only stare.

Then it raised its hand and beckoned to me,
Pointing at something that I just could not see.

I moved closer to look, this sure was a scare,
My curiosity drew me closer, my mind said beware.

At the end of the hall to my left was the den,
I entered quite slowly, cautiously and THEN!

The door slammed shut and the room started to spin,
Here I was trapped and the terror was to begin.

I sunk in the carpet right up to my waist,
Like the whole floor had turned into some sort of paste.

Sinking as I did, I had to get clear,
Reached for the doorknob, it turned into a mirror.

Oh great now I can watch as meet my demise,
To get out of this mess I must become wise.

With the walls all a spinning, above I did look,
For the ceiling was still there and in it, a hook.

To reach it I became clever, I had just one chance,
Quickly removed my belt from my gooey wet pants.

Holding one end I needed to catch it on the buckle,
Then that hideous voice gave out a loud evil chuckle.

The end was quite near I could not quit,
Goo now at my shoulders, me at ends wit.

Then it caught, the hook held as I gave it a good tug,
Tried to pull my way free, I was in quite snug.

Then free I became, for now I just dangled there,
The room still spun as I was caught in mid-air.

I swung my legs back to gather some speed,
If I could gather enough momentum it was all I would need.

I could swing far enough, this was something to do,
With luck I'd swing and fly over the goo.

Praying the hook held as I gripped on that belt,
The goo made it slippery, this was the hand I had been dealt.

Then with a creak, then a crash the ceiling did brake,
I looked up and whispered, "Oh, for Heavens sake".

Plaster went flying and the hook it fell out,
My downward descend gave me reason to shout.

I flew fast across the room, my feet heading first,
In a second it was all over, through the mirror I did burst.

Landing in the hallway I gave myself a second to pause,
For some strange reason I had just defied gravity's laws.

Lifting my body, I raised up my head,
How now I wanted to be back in my bed.

Then the hall, it started to stretch, slowly moving away,
The chandeliers above started flickering, as they began to sway.

I peered searching for an end, not that it could be seen,
I slowly walked in that direction, occasionally looking where I had been.

Then the floor shook, lifted up then down,
I stumbled as I cautiously made my way around.

The walls began moving, closing in on me,
I dashed to the stair way, as quick as I could be.

Turning I leapt, three steps at a time I took,
I made it all the way down the stairs, into the kitchen nook.

Breathing as hard as I was, I paused for just a sec.,
On the outside I may have looked fine but deep down I was a wreck.

Then I heard a rattle, a loud pop followed by a bang,
Several cans flew out of the cupboard, including the jar of Tang.

Little strands of spaghetti stood on the counter and danced,
A large platter of fruit spun around and each piece pranced.

I rubbed my eyes in astonishment, here was something I could not believe,
A force was out to confuse me, trick me, deceive.

The drawer flew out, spilling the cutlery all about,
The forks, knives and the spoons

I stood there in shock, glanced once at the clock,
That seemed lit by many moons.

Then the knives stood up and around the forks they did wrap,
The spoons played themselves, by doing a familiar tap.

Other appliances got into the rhythm, turning themselves on,
With all the buzzing and spinning, would this continue until dawn.

Then everything stopped, and slowly turned towards me,
Gradually approaching, or stalking, for as far as I could see.

I backed up slowly, against the closed kitchen door,
Over-stepping the now still mop that lay prone on the floor.

A knife flew past my ear and into the door it did go,
How these items became animated I surely did not know.

Then a paring, a couple of cutting, then the mighty meat cleaver,
Knives all around, I think I am to be the receiver.

Thunk, Thunk, Thunk, flew some more as they just missed my head,
Ouch, I thought to myself, as my sweat was turning red.

It was only a scratch but sooner it maybe more,
I had to escape, I had to get out through the door.

Turning the door handle, it wouldn't move, it was locked,
I had to think of another way that just wasn't blocked.

I dodged to the left, past the fridge and the stove,
Jumped over the broom, and into the pantry I dove.

Gathering my wits, I ran past the bread-making machine,
Noticing of course that it was due for a clean.

In a last desperate attempt over the counter I flew,
Landing in the dining room area, that much I knew.

Climbing on top of the old oak wood table,
I thought this adventure might make a neat fable.

No sooner did I believe that I was safe and secure,
When another bizarre event happen to occur.

Each chair around the table changed shape and grew,
Morphing to a hideous vision all purple and blue.

With long spindly legs and a body quite lean,
Its head sprouted fangs eager to devour you clean.

Just when it had gotten bad and I wasn't having any fun,
The chandelier had transformed into a snake-like apparition.

Too numerous to be counted, their heads all uncoiled and hissed,
I wanted to jump clear of them, but the carpet was now mist.

I noticed the dining room wall had not changed in the least,
On it contained the one thing I needed to defeat this ugly beast.

Diving to grasp, the family heirloom,
A golden saber from my dear Grandpa sure lit up the room.

I stood with my back to the wall, holding the blade,
I sliced two or three times, listening to whoosh that it made.

Then the attack began and I defended myself with grace,
Taking two beasts out quickly I had a grin on my face.

But another one struck and my leg shot out in pain,
Just as it couldn't get worse, it now started to rain.

Right there in my house, a torrential storm of no compare,
The odds were stacked against me, it wasn't quite fair.

So I battled hard and struck with incredible force,
I must have killed over 20 snakes without any remorse.

I had made my way to the center of the living room,
Where I could only hope this would be the end, victory or doom.

A wind started blowing and the rain came down harder still,
I gathered my last ounce of strength and my determined will,

Facing head on my adversaries, real or not,
I would go out swinging, the brave man who fought.

The battle raged on for some time, it lasted for awhile,
As the many dead remains amassed in a pile.

Then it was over, we had ended this fray
I stood upright and proud, then the pile went away.

Slowly the house transformed itself to the way it was before,
With the nice bookshelves and furniture, and the hardwood floor.

My mind went a spinning and inside my head went blank,
I drifted alone in darkness, spiraling down I sank.

When all was thought to be lost a brightness took over me,
A point of light in the distance, one that I could see.

This glimmer of hope was my salvation, a shining guiding light,
I struggled against the strength of evil, I put up a brilliant fight.

In a rush of psychedelic colours, cascading towards me head on,
It was then I noticed I was back in bed, outside it was breaking dawn.

An evening not to be forgotten, or repeated to soon,
All caused by the eerie glow of one midnight full moon.

I curled with my bed sheets, tucking them around my neck,
I had to get some rest or I'll end up a wreck.

I drifted off once again to the wondrous world of dreams,
To a place and time where all is not what it surely seems.

So the next time you are getting ready to hop right into bed,
Remember that another place exists, deep inside your head.

Allow yourself to take a journey, a simple thing to do,
Fill it with a mystical adventure, its all up to you.

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