Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Hallows Eve

It ‘twas Hallows eve and all through the house,
Was the smell of rotting flesh and one dead mouse.

The cobwebs were hung from the rafters with care,
In hopes that the Grim Reaper soon would be there.

Ghouls and ghosts all rested their heads,
On what was once their warm cozy beds.

Momma in her coffin and I in mine,
We had just said goodnight to our friend Frankenstein.

When out in the back there arose such a noise,
The local hoodlums had arrived, they’re such childish boys.

I sprang from my place to catch the sight,
What a wonderful time for a quick bite.

Warm tender necks, my bite to make bleed,
Oh how soon my family will sit down and feed.

I cracked open the window, rested my hands on the sill,
Noticed ol’ Wolfman howling up on the hill.

A cold chill was in the air and the moon was aglow,
Casting shadows all about from the objects below.

But I am wandering, for there was feeding at hand,
Many people to be bitten, all across this fair land.

Gathered my cape and my red velvet sash,
So handsome I looked and then I was gone in a flash.

Soaring high above in the sky I awaited my pray,
I would take them so quick they would have nothing to say.

The first warm blood of the night is by far the best,
As it drains from the neck it tastes the sweetest.

The fear in the eyes as their life drains away,
Even though I work at night, it sure makes my day.

Without boring you I’ll make this verse quick,
If I described all my kills it might make you sick.

Back to my house I made in a haste,
The night was ending, I had my taste.

For soon the sun would appear, this much I knew,
And I wasn’t wearing my sunblock, SPF-1002.

There would be another night, and more blood to drink,
Just thought you should know, might make you think.

As I crawled into my coffin, I pulled the lid tight,
Smiling to myself how it was a wonderful night.

Then with a click it was locked, I wasn’t to be seen,
May you all have yourself a Happy Halloween.

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