Monday, June 23, 2008

Me and My

I sat there in my kitchen, in my house, in the dark. I sat there all alone hoping he wouldn’t find me. The moon barely cast any light through the drawn blinds. I needed it dark, it had to be dark. I held the match in my right hand. The single match for a single candle, which stood patiently on the table, in my kitchen, in my house, in the dark.

I knew I should light it but feared he would show up. I feared that with the glow of the flame he would show his ugly face and torment me once again. Oh how I hated him. Wherever I went, there he was. Out for a simple walk and he would tag along. I once went on a date and he decided to appear, naturally at the most inappropriate time. I would try running and he would only follow quicker than before. I knew it was serious when I caught him in my house, uninvited. The police wouldn’t do anything. They said they couldn’t do anything until he did something first. How insane is that. If I’m lying in a pool of blood then they can do something? So that’s why I sat there in my kitchen, in my house, in the dark.

He never showed up when I was in the dark. The only time I felt any comfort was when it was completely pitch black, no light at all. I knew he couldn’t find me, I knew I was safe. But I had to face my fears, I had to face him and show him I was no longer afraid. I had to light the candle, I had to strike that match.

Slowly I placed the match at the end of the striking strip. Gritting my teeth and in one fluid stroke, I lit up the room with a flash. The flame flickered and danced as it sputtered to life only to settle back down and slowly glow with it’s newly found heat. I gently held it to the candle’s wick and it woke from it’s slumber. At first it didn’t want to light but it then caught hold and grew and grew in brilliance. Blowing out the match I sat there waiting, in my kitchen, in my house, now in the light. Waiting for him to show up.

Then out of the corner of my eye I saw a flicker of darkness on the kitchen wall. I spun to see what it was and there he stood. His motionless body taunting my frozen stare as I sat there petrified with fear. He didn’t make a single movement towards me. The flickering light from the candle danced all around the room but still he didn’t move. Then as I gained my composure and moved to watch him closely he moved ever so slightly. Standing up quickly I bellowed, “Damn you evil, you don’t frighten me anymore. You no longer will make me quiver in fear or cower in your presence. Stay if you like for I no longer care.”

He didn’t say a word. He never moved closer nor did he move away. He just stayed where he was. I sat down smiling, knowing I had conquered my foe. I had beaten my adversary right there in my kitchen, in my house, in the light,…. in the light.

Finally the roles had been defined and each one now knew their place. Finally there was an end to all this madness. For now there was peace between me and my shadow.

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