Thursday, May 17, 2007

Flittle the Bat

Flittle the Bat, wore a red hat, and stayed out late at night.
Flew through the sky, or at least he did try, in an unusual style of flight.

But a tiny flaw could be seen, a long time it has been, that his directions were all out of wack.
Turn to his right, to catch food for a bite, and he’d end upside down on his back.

This way meant that way, in circles he flew,
Tried new glasses, new wings, nothing would do.

His radar was all screwy, not working at all,
Mistook one time for food a big ol’ beach ball.

Tree limbs and flag poles, he would often crash into,
He tried everything he could, nothing would do.

Then one night, as he took flight, he wound up caught in a tree.
His wings they were caught, but the more that he faught, he still couldn’t get free.

Two young girls found him there and thought he was kinda neat,
Took him home, put in a cage and fed him some fruit as a treat.

But he wanted to sleep when they wanted to play, and to him this was silly for night was his day.
No matter how bad he flew, this he knew, that stuck in a cage was not his way,

Then it happened, he slipped and fell straight onto his head,
Which wasn’t all too bad, as he was only an inch from his bed.

Then the cage spun and it spun as he wobbled around,
Trying to make his way and he scrambled on the ground.

The girls were watching this and came to help out,
Frantic they were calling for Mom with a rather loud shout.

“Oh Mom”, they asked, “will he be alright”,
“Will he ever fly again, will he take flight ?”

But before Mom could answer, Flittle the Bat awoke,
Lifted himself, and with a loud squeak, he spoke.

Then with a flap of his wings, and his head held high,
Lifted himself from her hands and started to fly.

Fly as he did across the room,
Zigging and zagging, zoom a zoom zoom.

No flaws, no mistakes, not bumping here and there,
He was cured, he was cured as they all stood and did stare.

Then out the open window he flew, like a master of flight,
Away up to the sky, into the dimming twilight.

Back to his family and friends, happy as can be,
Now that he could fly straight and with radar to see.

So next time you look and see some fluttering speedy bat,
Look real close, for it might be Flittle, the one wearing a red hat.

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